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Sydney Reece, M.E.d., international educator in social justice advocacy and mindfulness-based meditation teacher specializing in addiction and trauma resilience, with over 20 years of experience supporting adults, formally incarcerated women, and homeless youth, as well as the health professionals who serve them.

Sydney educates on understanding internal systems of oppression and self-regulation based in mindfulness meditation practices. She is particularly attuned to the subtleties of diversity dynamics and needs of People of Color.  In addition to guiding meditation workshops, Reece has offered mindfulness-based resilience workshops in LA, the Meditation Coalition of Los Angeles, and Against the Stream Meditation Society. Sydney also, brought mindfulness based stress reduction trainings to staff and members at a homeless shelter for youth. Sydney currently works at a nonprofit assisting women return home from prison and reunite with their families. While teaching abroad, Reece taught cross cultural negotiations and effective communications helping students and executives bridge cultural misunderstandings in times of crisis and conflict. Contact sydney@sydneyreece.com for more information.